22 February 2012

Thank you

For the best five years of my life!

Happy anniversary beautiful girl xox

18 February 2012

West End Girls

We spent a lovely day in our old stomping ground of West End.  We browsed at Avid Reader, got a coffee fix at West End Coffee House and stopped by The Cupcake Parlour for some yumminess. I got a Miss Piggy (appropriately!) It was piggy-licious :)

We stopped by The Framer to see our good friend Kerry and wish her a happy birthday for tomorrow.  That couch is so comfy.

On to Lock n Load for some refreshing bevvies and yummy salads.

Then home for dinner with the fur-babies. They had a haircut on Wednesday - they're looking a tad chihuahua-y...

15 February 2012

Posing is an art and here's how it's done

Deb loves the camera (and the camera loves her) and the girl knows a thing or two about cheesy poses...



 And that, my friends, is how it's done.

6 February 2012

Happy Birthday T-Rex!

Glad you had a good b'day Papa Bear, love you!!

P.S. I love my new job! After Day 1 I'm feeling excited but oh so tired (there's so much to take in!)  Updates soon, I'm off to bed! xox

4 February 2012

Gorgeous Juel

We looked after our beautiful God-daughter Juel tonight. A few facts about Juel...

She's a great sharer.

She likes watching the Indigenous All-Stars vs NRL All-Stars.

She (and Jimmy) think the Smarty Pants ClimateSmart ad is pretty funny.

She thinks Jimmy's pretty funny.

She's not afraid to tell the dogs what-for.

She looks like a little angel when she's sleeping.

Edited to add: Juel woke up crying during the night and it was amazing to watch Deb soothe her back to sleep. She is a natural nurturer...one of the millions of reasons I adore her.

3 February 2012

Ready for a new start on Monday

My colleagues gave me a beautiful send-off for my last week at work (see my swag below - that's Lucy's rump in the right-hand corner!) I am really excited about starting my new job on Monday but pretty nervous as well, so I'll be sorting and cleaning all weekend 'cause that's how I deal with nerves.

We took the dogs to the vet and then the park.

We're enjoying pizza and wine tonight (that's my cousin Connar with Debs).

Also, I got my hair done. I'm growing it out so it's in the awkward in-between stage. I didn't realise until I saw this pic that I have super wonky eyes. It's quite disturbing really...