22 February 2012

Thank you

For the best five years of my life!

Happy anniversary beautiful girl xox

18 February 2012

West End Girls

We spent a lovely day in our old stomping ground of West End.  We browsed at Avid Reader, got a coffee fix at West End Coffee House and stopped by The Cupcake Parlour for some yumminess. I got a Miss Piggy (appropriately!) It was piggy-licious :)

We stopped by The Framer to see our good friend Kerry and wish her a happy birthday for tomorrow.  That couch is so comfy.

On to Lock n Load for some refreshing bevvies and yummy salads.

Then home for dinner with the fur-babies. They had a haircut on Wednesday - they're looking a tad chihuahua-y...

15 February 2012

Posing is an art and here's how it's done

Deb loves the camera (and the camera loves her) and the girl knows a thing or two about cheesy poses...



 And that, my friends, is how it's done.

6 February 2012

Happy Birthday T-Rex!

Glad you had a good b'day Papa Bear, love you!!

P.S. I love my new job! After Day 1 I'm feeling excited but oh so tired (there's so much to take in!)  Updates soon, I'm off to bed! xox

4 February 2012

Gorgeous Juel

We looked after our beautiful God-daughter Juel tonight. A few facts about Juel...

She's a great sharer.

She likes watching the Indigenous All-Stars vs NRL All-Stars.

She (and Jimmy) think the Smarty Pants ClimateSmart ad is pretty funny.

She thinks Jimmy's pretty funny.

She's not afraid to tell the dogs what-for.

She looks like a little angel when she's sleeping.

Edited to add: Juel woke up crying during the night and it was amazing to watch Deb soothe her back to sleep. She is a natural nurturer...one of the millions of reasons I adore her.

3 February 2012

Ready for a new start on Monday

My colleagues gave me a beautiful send-off for my last week at work (see my swag below - that's Lucy's rump in the right-hand corner!) I am really excited about starting my new job on Monday but pretty nervous as well, so I'll be sorting and cleaning all weekend 'cause that's how I deal with nerves.

We took the dogs to the vet and then the park.

We're enjoying pizza and wine tonight (that's my cousin Connar with Debs).

Also, I got my hair done. I'm growing it out so it's in the awkward in-between stage. I didn't realise until I saw this pic that I have super wonky eyes. It's quite disturbing really...

27 January 2012

Beautiful Bellingen

Deb spent the weekend with her best mate Allan and his homeboy Ant in Al's home town of Bellingen, a beautiful hippy town on the central coast of NSW.

After a wet and perilous journey they arrived safe and and sound in Bello.

They hung out with Marg and Pete, Al's mum and step-dad.

Enjoyed a few bevvies at the local.

And took in the sights of a very wet but still very beautiful Bellingen.

Deb's friend Mary and her Irish Lover Colm brought their adorable bubba Ruari up from Port Macquarie for the weekend. Ruari is so squeezable.

Deb and Al evidently spent time posing and looking cool.

I stayed at home with the fur-babies and swatted up on the CSG industry...yay for me!! The fur-babies aren't enjoying all this rain cause Mama K doesn't walk them when it's pouring. Here's a photo of them in drier times.