27 January 2012

Beautiful Bellingen

Deb spent the weekend with her best mate Allan and his homeboy Ant in Al's home town of Bellingen, a beautiful hippy town on the central coast of NSW.

After a wet and perilous journey they arrived safe and and sound in Bello.

They hung out with Marg and Pete, Al's mum and step-dad.

Enjoyed a few bevvies at the local.

And took in the sights of a very wet but still very beautiful Bellingen.

Deb's friend Mary and her Irish Lover Colm brought their adorable bubba Ruari up from Port Macquarie for the weekend. Ruari is so squeezable.

Deb and Al evidently spent time posing and looking cool.

I stayed at home with the fur-babies and swatted up on the CSG industry...yay for me!! The fur-babies aren't enjoying all this rain cause Mama K doesn't walk them when it's pouring. Here's a photo of them in drier times.

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